Session 11: The changing structure of agricultural research and its implications for PGR

Over the past decades, the private sector has been playing an increasingly critical role in agricultural research and plant breeding in industrialized countries. In developing countries, while the public sector still dominates agricultural research and plant breeding, the role of the private sector is increasing rapidly with the development of modern agricultural biotechnology, the globalization of agricultural inputs, and the importance of intellectual property rights on these inputs. This changing structure of agricultural research critically affects the pattern of utilizing PGR, access for further innovation, the sharing of benefits from PGR, and long-term conservation. It is important to understand the current changes vis-à-vis the situation in developing countries where the rural poor depend on agriculture for survival, yet the benefits from widespread private investment are still to be realized.

Training materials for session 11 include lecture notes, a PowerPoint presentation and an interactive group practice exercise. The exercise aims to familiarize participants with the rapidly changing structure of agricultural research and  plant breeding in developing and developed countries and its effects on the  utilization, access and conservation of plant genetic resources.

Additional handouts to enrich the training include a summary of overheads for each presentation, references to the full-text of relevant laws and policies and a bibliography for further reading.

Other materials for trainers include an overview with a complete list of handouts, workshop schedule, an evaluation form and Day 5 Instructions for Trainers with a timed schedule of activities and handouts. See also Information for Trainers , for a selection of templates, tips, and step-by-step guidelines for planning and delivering a successful training workshop.

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