Session 3: Centres of Origin, Movement and Value

This session seeks to establish a scientific background and reference for the discussion of policies and laws by looking at issues that are central to contemporary policy and legal debates, inter alia, the concept of ‘origin’ (including centres of origin and diversity), the current location of genetic resources, the nature of contemporary germplasm flows, the degree of interdependence among nations for genetic resources, and the type of value that can be attributed to genetic resources. The session attempts to clarify how the subject matter (PGRFA) influences legal and policy options, and their implementation.

Training materials for session 3 include lecture notes, PowerPoint presentations and interactive group practice exercises. These exercises aim to appraise the implications of the origin and movement of PGRFA on the development of sound policy.

Additional handouts to enrich the training include a summary of overheads for each presentation, references to the full-text of relevant laws and policies and a bibliography for further reading.

Other materials for trainers include an overview with a complete list of handouts, workshop schedule, an evaluation form and Day 1 Instructions for Trainers with a timed schedule of activities and handouts. See also Information for Trainers , for a selection of templates, tips, and step-by-step guidelines for planning and delivering a successful training workshop.

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