Session 9: Cross-cutting issues

Access to genetic resources, benefit sharing, intellectual property, indigenous and local communities’ rights, traditional knowledge and Farmers’ Rights are all closely and complexly related policy and legal issues. Different national, regional and global instruments, including the CBD, the IT, the Bonn Guidelines and the TRIPS Agreement address some or all of these concepts in varying degrees of detail. They are issues or concepts which cut across many of the international agreements and national laws discussed in this volume. It is important to identify where and how they interlink among each other and the legal treatment given to each under different agreements, laws and regulations.

Training materials for session 9 include lecture notes, a PowerPoint presentation and an interactive group practice exercise. The exercise aims at discussing how access to genetic resources, benefit sharing, intellectual property, the rights of indigenous and local communities, traditional knowledge and farmers rights relate to each other and how national laws and regional and international instruments address them. The exercise will also demonstrate how different institutional arrangements in countries, different approaches to these issues in national laws (and international agreements) and sometimes very fine but important linkages among different legal regimes determine varying interpretations on their practical implications.

Additional handouts to enrich the training include a summary of overheads for each presentation, references to the full-text of relevant laws and policies and a bibliography for further reading.

Other materials for trainers include an overview with a complete list of handouts, workshop schedule, an evaluation form and Day 4 Instructions for Trainers with a timed schedule of activities and handouts. See also Information for Trainers , for a selection of templates, tips, and step-by-step guidelines for planning and delivering a successful training workshop.


Lecture Notes


 Cross-cutting issues
 (1.2 MB)

 Cross-cutting issues (116 KB)

 Exercise 9. Cross-cutting issues (114 KB)

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